Using the CSS display property: Block, inline and inline-block


All HTML elements are rectangular boxes rendered in the browser viewport. The HTML flow is linear and runs vertically from top to bottom. HTML element has a display property value by default. The display property stipulates how an element's box behaves. The two most common values for display are block and inline.

.myclass {display: block    /*elements stack on top of each other like paragraphs on a page*/Display: inline   /*elements run together like words in a sentence*/}


Container elements like <div>, <header>, <main> and <section> are block-level elements. Most typographic elements are also block-level elements. That means they stack on top of each other, like paragraphs in a text. They also take up 100% of the available width. Block elements accept margin and padding values.


Inline elements don’t break the flow of the text. Elements like <a>, <span> and <em> run on from each other in a string. Inline elements do accept margins and padding but it doesn’t work as you’d expect. Margins and padding don’t move elements away vertically. Padding will overlay other elements and margin-top and margin-bottom doesn’t seem to work. Margin and padding work horizontally, however. Also, inline elements don’t accept height and width values.


The best of both worlds. If you set an element's display property yo inline-block is will set sit on the baseline and run inline, but it will accept top and bottom margins and also height and width values.

The video below is a walkthrough of the display property values: block, inline, inline-block, and none. Follow along with your own CodePen.

The inline-block property value has layout possibilities. Below I build a grid that responds to viewport width. Inline-block would also be good for making horizontal menu elements.

Here is the finished CodePen:


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