Using image sequences in your motion projects

Sequencing images is the basis of traditional animation. With traditional animation, we show a series of images in sequence, and in quick successions, which delivers the experience of movement across time.

One of the earliest examples of an animated image sequence was created by French artist Émile Cohl in 1908, the film was called Fantasmagorie. The film was created by hand drawing each frame and photographing it onto negative film. The film frames are then sequenced via a projector. It's a pretty wild little movie.


Fantasmagorie, 1908, Émile Cohl


Sequencing images is still a very useful strategy for motion graphics and there are a number of techniques that we can incorporate into our practice.

In the following video series, we look at three sequencing approaches:

  • Importing images as sequence files into After Effect

  • Sequencing After Effect layers

  • Creating frame by frame animation to incorporate into After Effect compositions

The above example incorporates three image sequencing approaches.

Importing an Image sequence to After Effects

You will need a collection of sequentially titled image files. Choose File > Import. Select the first image in the sequence. Check Import jpg sequence. You can change the frame rate of the sequence by right clicking on the asset in the project panel. Select Interpret footage > Main, then enter a new frame rate.

Sequence After Effects Layers

You can sequence the layers of an After Effects composition. First, trim the layers to the desired length, 1-4 frames would be a good start. Then select all of the layers you wish to sequence. Then go to the Animation menu, Animation > Keyframe Assistant > Sequence layers.

Basic frame by frame animation

Sequencing drawings is another way to go. You can use Photoshops timeline and video layers to sequence graphics. The onion skinning view on the PS timeline allows you to see previous frames, making it easier to follow a sequence.

Putting it all together

You can be very creative with image sequences. It isn't really technically difficult to build image sequences. The process gives you the opportunity to easily incorporate your personal style without relying on complex tools.


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